
9.35 pt
13.75 pt



+ Encyclopedia Judaica.

+ The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible.

+ G.B.Gray, Sacrifice in the old Testament.

+ W.O.E. Oesterley, Sacrifice in Ancient Israel.

+ Roland de Vaux, Studies in OT. Sacrifice.

+ Alfred Edersheim, The Temple.

+ G.Buchanan Gray, Sacrifice in the OT.

+ N. Micklem, Leviticus, New – York & Nashville, 1962.

+ M. Noth , Leviticus, London, 1962. OT Library.

+ J.R.Porter, Leviticus, Cambridge.

+ G.A.F. Knight, Leviticus, Philadelphia, 1981.

+ Mays, J.L, The Book of Leviticus, Richmond 1963.

تم نسخ الرابط

هل تبحث عن  11- نؤمن برب واحد يسوع المسيح

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