Christian Gospel Lyrics & Coptic Songs Music Lyrics Archive

R- Into your hands we
commend our spirits O Lord

Into your hands we commend our hearts

For we must die to ourselves in loving you

Into your hands we commend our love

1- O God, My God, Why have you gone from me

Far from my prayers, far from my cry

To you I call, but you never answer me

You send no comfort and I don’t know why

2- Our fathers trusted and delivered them

To you they cry, and they escaped

In you they trusted when darkness came their way

And in your goodness you made them free

3- You’ve been my guide since I was very young

You showed the way when I needed someone’s hand

But now I’m lonely, nobody is at my side

Stay near my Lord, and be my friend.

هل تبحث عن  برومو مسرحية مدينة الالعاب – كنيسة مارمرقس بشبرا – قناةكوجى القبطية الارثوذكسية للاطفال

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