الذباب يخمر طيب العطار


الذباب من الحشرات ثنائية الأجنحة، وهي من أكبر أسباب نشر الكثير من الأوبئة وتلوث الأغذية. ويبدو أن ما جاء في سفر الجامعة من أن ” الذباب الميت ينتن ويخمر طيب العطار

” (جا 10: 1 والكلمة في العبرية “ذبوب”)، يشير إلى الذبابة المنزلية “موسكا ديموستيكا” (
Musca demostica
) التي تفسد العطور

يقول سليمان الحكيم أيضاً في سفر الجامعة “الذباب الميت ينتن ويخمر طيب العطار” (جا 10: 1)، فما هي علاقة هذه الآية بالحكمة وما الذي نتعلمه منها؟ هذه الآية تخبرنا عن شخص جاهل تعوزه الحكمة! لماذا؟ هذا العطار يصنع الطيب، وهو عمل رائع يتعبويبذل فيه مجهود ليصنعه شيء جميل وثمين. ولكنهلعدم الحكمةلم يغطيه، لميحميه من دخول أي ملوثات، وما هي النتيجة؟ يأتي ذباب صغير ويتساقط في الوعاءالذي يحوي الطيب، وهذا الذباب الميت ينتن كل الطيب. كَمْ من مرات نصنع أموراًثمينة ونجتهد في صنع أشياء مجهدة أو مكلفة ولكن بعدم الحكمة نهمل العناية بهاوحمايتها؟! وعوضاً أن نحصد ثمار ما تعبنا فيه، نخسر كل شيء لأننا لم نتعامل بحكمةولم نحسن إدراك المخاطر التي تواجه ما نعمله؟! إن الحكمة تعلمنا ألا نتعب فقط في ما نعمل ولكن نعلم كيف نحمي ما زرعناه وتعبنا فيه.

إن الحكمة ليست شيء صعب أو مجهد،
فلم يكن النجاح هنا يتطلب مقاومة ولا حرب كبيرة ولكنها كانت شيء بسيط جداً وهو تغطية الطيب. ويحدثنا سليمان بمثال آخر “إن كلَّ الحديد ولم يسنن هو حده فليزد القوة. أماالحكمة فنافعة للنجاح” (جا 10: 10)، أي إن تَلِم الفأس الحديدي وفقد حدته فإن هي تطلب مجهود وقوة كثيرة لكي تقطع به، ولكن إن سن الفأس فأقل مجهود سوف يبذل يكونكافياً للقطع. فما المقصود أحبائي بتلك الأمثال؟ إن الحكمة الإلهية حين تملأ ذهنك وروحك، تلهمك بأمور قد تبدوبسيطة وسهلة في تحقيقها ولكنها لازمة لإنجاح العمل كله دون مجهود أو استنزاف للوقت والمال. فكَمْ من أناس يتعبون كثيراًفي تجارتهم وعملهم ولكنهم لا يجنون ثمار تعبهم، من خسارة إلى خسارة. أطلب الحكمة
لتقودك في كل تفاصيل الحياة، والأعمال الصغيرةوالكبيرة لتنجح في كل ما تمتد إليه يدك.


الذباب الميت

“الذباب الميت ينتن ويخمر طيب العطار ” (جا 10: 1)

“خذوا لنا الثعالب الثعالب الصغارالمفسدة الكروم لأن كرومنا قد أقلعت ” (نش 2: 5)

طيب العطار، ينتن ويخمر ويتلف بسبب ذبابة صغيرة ميتة والكروم الجميلة تفسد بسبب ثعلب صغير، ويقطينة يونان التى فرح بها هلكت بسبب دودة صغيرة.

هكذا كأس خمر، جعل نوح البار يتعرى ويهزأ به إبنه حام.


وكذبة قالها إبراهيم لفرعون أن سارة ليست زوجته،
جعلت إبراهيم يفقد صورته الحسنة أمام فرعون.

رحلة لملهى أو جلسة على مقهى أو فيلم سينما أو سهرة فى كازينو أو صداقة شريرة، من الممكن أن تضيع أبدية الإنسان.

أمور صغيرة وخطايا سهلة، يمكن أن تدمر حياة الإنسان لذلك لا نستهين بها، بل لنحذر منها.. لندقق فى نظراتنا وأفكارنا وعلاقتنا مع الناس حتى لا تتسبب هذه الأمور الصغيرة فى خراب حياتنا. ربما نحن مع الخطايا العظيمة نكون حاسمين، ولكننامع الأمور الصغيرة نكون متهاونين، فالثعلب الصغير يكبر ويكبر حتى يدمر كروم حياتنا.


in the Anointing

MAIN TEXT: Ecclesiastes 10: 1 (KJV) Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour

Eccesiastes 10: 1 (AMP) “ DEAD FLIES cause the ointment of the perfumer to putrefy [and] send forth a vile odor; so does a little folly [in him who is valued for wisdom] outweigh wisdom and honor

Ecclesiastes 10: 1 (CLV) “ As dead gadflies cause a compound of oil to stink, to bubble forth, So a little frivolity outweighs wisdom and glory
. “

Ecclesiastes 10: 1 (Hebrew Interlinear) “ Gadflies of death he causes to stink and he causes to emit oil of one compounding precious from wisdom from glory silliness little

هل تبحث عن  قاموس الكتاب المقدس معجم الكتاب المقدس ب بعل جاد د


Exodus 30: 25 (KJV) “ 25 And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil
. “

This is the same kind of oil of the apothecary that they would use to anoint the high priest and holy things that were to be dedicated to the Lord God. It was a holy anointing oil that is being de***ibed

Understand that this sweet smelling holy anointment was an outward symbol of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The anointing oil was used to cover the stink of the flesh so that the priest could enter into the glory or presence or heaviness of the presence of God. The anointing would have to be heavy before he could enter into the holy of holies, or the glory would destroy the flesh

The anointing comes from our innermost being in the believer. John
7: 38
(KJV) “38 He that believeth on me, as the ******ure hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water
. “

The presence of the Holy Spirit within us reveals the anointing in our lives, and that anointing is to cover us so that we can enter into the glory (khabod) of the presence of God. The glory was seen sometimes as a cloud that hovered over the worshipers head, and sometimes like on the Day of Pentecost came with a great sound of wind and fire which was over each head

The glory is the “heaviness” of God when God manifests more of His presence in a place. That occurs when the people of God worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, and the anointing in them rises up and anoints their worship for He inhabits our praise. Getting into the atmosphere of the glory will transform and change your life forever

The anointing is what allows us to do the works of God. It is God manifesting through us in His power. It is what makes us effective when we walk in the Spirit and are led by the Spirit… that is walking filled with the Spirit. Luke 4: 18-19 (KJV) “18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord
. ”

Jesus Christ, the Anointed One is the one who anoints us with the Spirit of God


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LI style=”BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BACKGROUND: ; MARGIN-LEFT: 0.25in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in” class=MsoNormal>Gives us power to proclaim the good news and be a witness for Jesus with power

  • Good news for those in need
  • Healing for the brokenhearted
  • Deliverance to those who are captives
  • Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty
  • Recovering of sight to the blind – healing of the body
  • Set at liberty those who are crushed or bruised

    Brings us into the Acceptable Year of the Lord – Jubilee

    The anointing or presence of God brings the Word of God alive in our lives, which fills us with the wisdom of God (what the text is talking about). God in us produces the fruit of the Spirit and gives us the abundant life in Christ (the Anointed One

    But understand this: the Holy Spirit is very sensitive. He can be quenched or grieved. See, the anointing oil can be corrupted in our lives. The Spirit can be grieved, and the manifestation of God in us can be corrupted by DEAD FLIES, or sin by giving into our flesh

    The more delicate the perfumed oil, the easier it is for it to be spoiled for common perfumes are not so sensitive. See, the Holy Spirit is very sensitive and He can be grieved when we submit to flesh and sin instead of Jesus

    Ephesians 4: 29-5: 1 (KJV) “ 29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. 30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: 32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you. 1 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children
    ; “

    When we let flies get into this very delicate and precious anointing oil, it corrupts or putrefies and turns that which is wonderful and good into something that is corrupted and stinks. We become a stink unto God, and no longer does the fruit of the Spirit come forth, but the works of the flesh

    Flies are dirty and filthy by nature. They thrive in filth and contaminate what they get into. You can have something totally clean, and one fly can bring the filth that it has carried from somewhere else and ruin that clean thing

    Flies are connected many times to demons at least ****phorically in ******ures. Beelzebub means literally the lord of flies, or the lord of dung. Demons like to get into our lives and corrupt and bring us away from the truth of God’s Word and into Foolish Error. 1 Timothy 4: 1-2 (KJV) “1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron
    ; “

    They were “DEAD” flies. The anointing brings life, but dead flies have the nature of death or “SIN” in it. Sin, when it is finished brings forth death. James
    1: 15
    (KJV) “ Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death

    In these last days just before Jesus comes back for His church, especially in America, Canada, and Europe where so much of the gospel has been preached and so many churches exist, so many who once had the pure anointing of God has now been corrupted by the seduction of demons and are now being led into foolishness

    Wisdom and foolishness shown are shown here. A little foolishness will corrupt wisdom. True wisdom comes from God through His Word mixed with the anointing or presence of God. The corruption of that Word and anointing with a “fly” in the anointment corrupts wisdom

    There is a peril that Jesus warns us of in the last days when the catching away of the church occurs. Half of the church will be wise and half of the church will be foolish. Half will be anointed, and half will be lukewarm with not enough oil to keep their lamps lit. These shall be left behind and have to face the tribulation compared to the wise which shall be caught up to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb

    Matthew 25: 1-4 (KJV) “ 1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. 2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: 4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps
    . “

    When the
    cry was made, they all trimmed their lamps and lit them, but the foolish did not have enough oil to keep them lit. The wise could not give them their oil or they would not have enough. You can’t be carried by someone else’s walk with God

    The foolish recognized the problem and went to get more oil… they repented and did get oil or anointing for their vessels, but the door to the Marriage Supper was closed to them. They could not go

    Once again, foolishness is seen by not taking the oil… a good supply of the anointing in your vessel… you! It is seen in the lukewarm who are compromised by sin and not walking fully in the Spirit of God keeping their vessels filled with the Spirit


    Ephesians 5: 15-20 (KJV) “ 15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, 16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. 18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; 19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; 20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
    ; “

    A little foolishness is able to destroy wisdom in your life. A LITTLE


    WITH GOD and rob you of the abundant life

    Are there dead flies in your life? Has demonic spirits worked their way through the weaknesses of flesh and gotten to your understanding and walk with God? Ephesians
    4: 27
    (KJV)27 Neither give place to the devil

    When we “compromise”, then we allow something nasty to be mixed in with something holy and it just does not take too much to destroy our walk with God. And when our walk goes, so does the fruit of the Spirit as the Holy Spirit is quenched in our lives. 1 Thessalonians 5: 19 (KJV)19 Quench not the Spirit

    Foolishness overtakes wisdom and where we once might have been a pleasure to the Lord, now the dead flies in our oil has made us stink and God now receives no pleasure out of our lives. Our lives then become wasted and we become unproductive in the

    If much of the 3rd World is in revival and experiencing the glory of God according to all reports, then where do you suppose the half of the church (body of Christ) that is lukewarm and foolish at the catching away of the church?
    needs revival! We need to repent and replenish our supply of oil… we need a fresh anointing

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