
Encyclopedia Judaica

The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible

G.B.Gray, Sacrifice in the old Testament

W.O.E. Oesterley, Sacrifice in Ancient Israel

Roland de Vaux, Studies in OT. Sacrifice

Alfred Edersheim, The Temple

G.Buchanan Gray, Sacrifice in the OT

N. Micklem, Leviticus, New – York &
, 1962

Noth ,Leviticus,

, 1962. OT Library

J.R.Porter, Leviticus, Cambridge

G.A.F. Knight, Leviticus, Philadelphia, 1981

Mays, J.L, The Book of Leviticus, Richmond 1963

هل تبحث عن  تفسير الكتاب المقدس تفاسير أخرى عهد جديد سفر رؤيا يوحنا اللاهوتى يوسف رياض 17

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