مراجع شرح رسالة كورنثوس الأولى

الكتاب المقدس – العهد الجديد – القمص تادرس يعقوب ملطي

سلسلة “من تفسير وتأملات الآباء الأولين”

مراجع شرح رسالة كورنثوس الأولى



* تأملات في كتاب

رسالة بولس الرسول الأولى إلى أهل كورنثوس

تفسير رسالة كورنثوس الأولى:

مقدمة رسالة كورنثوس الأولى
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ملخص عام
مراجع البحث

نص رسالة كورنثوس الأولى:
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كورنثوس الأولى

تفاسير أسفار الكتاب المقدس

1- تفاسير سفر التكوين
2- تفاسير سفر الخروج
3- تفاسير سفر اللاويين
4- تفاسير سفر العدد
5- تفاسير سفر التثنية
6- تفاسير سفر يشوع
7- تفاسير سفر القضاة
8- تفاسير سفر راعوث
9- تفاسير سفر صموئيل الأول
10- تفاسير سفر صموئيل الثاني
11- تفاسير سفر الملوك الأول
12- تفاسير سفر الملوك الثاني
13- تفاسير سفر أخبار الأيام الأول
14- تفاسير سفر أخبار الأيام الثاني
15- تفاسير سفر عزرا
16- تفاسير سفر نحميا
17- تفاسير سفر طوبيا
18- تفاسير سفر يهوديت
19- تفاسير سفر أستير + التتمة
20- تفاسير سفر أيوب
21- تفاسير سفر المزامير + مز 151
22- تفاسير سفر الأمثال
23- تفاسير سفر الجامعة
24- تفاسير سفر نشيد الأناشيد
25- تفاسير سفر الحكمة
26- تفاسير سفر يشوع بن سيراخ
27- تفاسير سفر إشعياء
28- تفاسير سفر إرميا
29- تفاسير سفر مراثي إرميا
30- تفاسير سفر نبوة باروخ
31- تفاسير سفر حزقيال
32- تفاسير سفر دانيال + التتمة
33- تفاسير سفر هوشع
34- تفاسير سفر يوئيل
35- تفاسير سفر عاموس
36- تفاسير سفر عوبديا
37- تفاسير سفر يونان
38- تفاسير سفر ميخا
39- تفاسير سفر ناحوم
40- تفاسير سفر حبقوق
41- تفاسير سفر صفنيا
42- تفاسير سفر حجي
43- تفاسير سفر زكريا
44- تفاسير سفر ملاخي
45- تفاسير سفر المكابيين الأول
46- تفاسير سفر المكابيين الثاني

1- تفاسير إنجيل متى
2- تفاسير إنجيل مرقس
3- تفاسير إنجيل لوقا
4- تفاسير إنجيل يوحنا
5- تفاسير سفر أعمال الرسل
6- تفاسير الرسالة إلى رومية
7- تفاسير رسالة كورنثوس الأولى
8- تفاسير كورنثوس الثانية
9- تفاسير الرسالة إلى أهل غلاطية
10- تفاسير الرسالة إلى أفسس
11- تفاسير الرسالة إلى فيلبي
12- تفاسير الرسالة إلى كولوسي
13- تفاسير تسالونيكي الأولى
14- تفاسير تسالونيكي الثانية
15- تفاسير رسالة تيموثاوس الأولى
16- تفاسير تيموثاوس الثانية
17- تفاسير الرسالة إلى تيطس
18- تفاسير الرسالة إلى فيلمون
19- تفاسير رسالة العبرانيين
20- تفاسير رسالة يعقوب
21- تفاسير رسالة بطرس الأولى
22- تفاسير رسالة بطرس الثانية
23- تفاسير رسالة يوحنا الأولى
24- تفاسير رسالة يوحنا الثانية
25- تفاسير رسالة يوحنا الثالثة
26- تفاسير رسالة يهوذا
27- تفاسير سفر الرؤيا

Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians, Proem.


PG 82:226.


Chapter 47.

Ad Ephes. 18.

Chapter 2,6,11.

In 1 Cor. Hom 1:1.

Ambrosiaster: Comm. On Paul’s Epistles, CSEL (Corpus Scriptorum
Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Vienna: Tempsky, 1866) 81:4.

(8)أعطى اراسموس Erasmus هذا الاسم لشخص
عاش في القرن الرابع لمؤلف كانت كتاباته تُنسب
للقديس أمبروسيوس أسقف ميلان, لذا
دعاه “أمبروسياستر

In 1 Cor. Hom 1:1.

Comm. On Matthew, 14:1.

In 1 Cor. Hom 1:1.

In 1 Cor. Hom 1:1.

In 1 Cor. Hom 1:2.

In 1 Cor. Hom 1:3.

Comm. on 1 Cor., 166.

In Eph. Hom 3.


Comm. on 1 Cor. 1:2:1-15.


Comm. on 1 Cor., 166.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 2:2.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 2:3.


Comm. on 1 Cor. 1:2:29-30.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 2:3.


The Institutes 10:21.


The Beatitude, sermon 8.


Comm. on 1 Cor. 1:2:25-40.


Ambrosiaster: Comm. On Paul’s Epistles, CSEL 81:7.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 2:5.


Against the Pelagians 2:8.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 2:6.


Comm. on 1 Cor. 1:2:48-51.


Ambrosiaster: Comm. On Paul’s Epistles, CSEL 81:7-8.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 2:7.


Comm. on 1 Cor. 1:2:52-54.


Ambrosiaster: Comm. On Paul’s Epistles, CSEL 81:8.


Comm. on 1 Cor., 167.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 2:7.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 2:


In 1 Cor. Hom. 2:8.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 2:8.


Comm. On 1 Cor. 13.


Comm. On Paul’s Epistles, CSEL 81:8.


Stromata 2:27:3.


Comm. on 1 Cor., 167.


In 1 Cor. Hom., Argument.


Comm. On 1 Cor. 3:2.

Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 53:4.


Comm. On 1 Cor. 1:4.


Comm. On Paul’s Epistles, CSEL 81:9.


Epistle 93:32.

St-Takla.org Image:
References, books and footnotes.

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا:
مراجع، كتب، و حواشي.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 3:3.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 3:4.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 3:4.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 3:3.

Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 57:3.


Comm. On Mattheww, 14:1.


Epistle 208:5.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 3:5.


Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 26:2.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 3:6.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 5:4.


On Christian Doctrine 33.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 3:5.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 2:7.

CSEL 81:44.

للتعرف عليهم راجع سلسلة: قاموس
الآباء القديسين مع بعض الشخصيات الكنسية، حرفا ن، د.


Ambrosiaster: Comm. On Paul’s Epistles, CSEL 81:11:12.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 3:6.


Epistle 93:47.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 3:6.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 3:6.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 169.


Comm. On 1 Cor.1:6:8-12.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 4:1.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 4:3.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 4:3,4.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 4:5.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 4:6.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 4:6.


Baptismal Instructions, 12:57.


De coem. et cruce.PG 49:396D-397A.


Ambrosiaster: Comm. On Paul’s Epistles, CSEL 81:4.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 170-171


In 1 Cor. Hom. 3:7.

Sermons on N.T. Lessons 18:1.


City of God 10:28.


Comm. On 1 Cor.1:7:1-7.


In Levit. Hom 10:2.


In Judic. Hom. 3:3.


The Trinity 2:12.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 171.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 5:3.


Epistle 169:3.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 1:8:1-4.


The Seven Books of John Cassian 3:8.


Epistle 232:6.


Against Eunomius 2:7.


Against Eunomius 2:4.


Against Eunomius 12:3.


Against Eunomius 6:2.


Commentary on Matthew 14:1.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 4:4.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 4:5.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 4:4.


In Ephes. Hom. 3


On Christian Doctrine 11, 12.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 3:8.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 3:9.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 3:7.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 5:2.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 5:2.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 5:3.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons 37:12.


Sermons on Christmas and Epiphany, sermon 19:4.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons.


Epistle 13.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 5:2.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 5:4.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 5:4.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons 3:7.


City of God 21:24.


The Institutes 5:4


The Song of Songs, Comm. Book 1:5.


In 1 Cor., hom. 6:1.

CSEL 81:21-22.

Against Arius, 1a.


In 1 Cor., hom. 6:1.

Trinity 1:12.


In 1 Cor., hom. 6:2.


CSEL 81:22.


In 1 Cor., hom. 6:3.


De Principiis 4:1:7.


In I Cor., Hom. 6:3.


Bava Kama,, fol. 82.


In 1 Cor., hom. 7:1.


De Principiis 3:31.


CSEL 81:23.

Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


In 1 Cor., hom. 7:4.

CSEL 81:24.

Comm. On 1 Cor., 175.


On Divine Providence, Dis. 10:61. (ACW).


In 1 Cor., hom. 7:5.


In 1 Cor., hom. 7:5.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 41:1.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 37:9.

Comm. On 1 Cor, 176.

CSEL 81:24-25.

The Aascension, 263.


Epistles, 169:8.


Against Eunomius, 5:2.


Against Eunomius, 5:5.


Against Eunomius, 6:2.


The Great Catechism, 40.


In 1 Tim., hom 15.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 77:1.


Epistles, 130:17.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 77:11.

Ascetical Homilies,2.

Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.ع1


Answer to Eunomius, Second Book.

Stromata 2:7:3.


Commentary on 1 Cor. 1:10:6-10.

CSEL 81:27.

CSEL 81:27.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 177.

Ep. 130:8.


CSEL 81:28.


Comm.On 1 Cor., 178.


In I Cor., Hom. 7:8.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 178.


In 1 Cor., hom. 7:9.


In 1 Cor., hom. 7:10.


In 1 Cor., hom. 7:1.


City of God 14:4.

Comm. On 1 Cor., 178.


The Song of Songs, Comm., Book 4:15. (ACW).


Cassian: Conference 4:19.

Comm. On 1 Cor., 179.

Comm. On 1 Cor., 1:11:44-45.

CSEL 81:30-31.


Our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount, 1:18.


On the Making of Man, 8:6.


The Song of Songs, Comm., Book 1:5.

The Song of Songs, Comm., Book 2:4. (ACW).


In 1 Cor., hom. 7:12.


On the Making of Man, 5:2.

CSEL 81:31.


In 1 Cor., hom. 7:7.


In I Cor., Hom. 7:12.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 179 PG 82:246.

Oecumenius Pauline Comm. from the Greek Church.


Commentary on Matthew, 11:3.


City of God 22:21.


City of God 22:21.


CSEL 81:31-32.


In 1 Cor., hom. 8:1.


Comm. on 1 Cor., 1:12:17-23.


CSEL 81:32-33.


Sermon on the Amount2:67.


CSEL 81:32-34.


Sermons 4:4.

المؤلف: الحب الأخوي، 1964، ص

المؤلف: الحب الأخوي، 1964، ص

المؤلف: الحب الأخوي، 1964، ص


Ephes. hom. 9.


In 1 Cor., hom. 8:4.

In 1 Cor., hom. 8:3,4.


City of God 14:4.


In 1 Cor., hom. 8:4.


In 1 Cor., hom. 8:5.


In 1 Cor., hom. 8:6.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 51:1.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 31:3.


On Christian Doctrine 16.


In 1 Cor., hom. 8:5.


In 1 Cor., hom. 8:6.


In 1 Cor., hom. 8:6.


CSEL 81:34.


Homily 21.


Ephes. hom. 11.

Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany, sermon 16:3.


Cassian:Conf. 13:12.



Letter 193.

CSEL 81:31.

CSEL 81:35.


In 1 Cor., hom. 8:6.

Sermons 233:6.


Comm. On 1Cor., 1:15:18-20.


CSEL 81:35.


Against Eunomius, 2:10.


Comm. On 1Cor., 1:15:41-42.


1 Corinth., hom 9:5.


On Virginity, 17.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 1:15:46-55.


In 1 Cor., hom. 8:6.


In 1 Corinth., hom 8:7.

City of God, 21.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 9:5.


CSEL 81:37.


Answer to Eunomius’Second Book.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 9:7.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 9:8.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 183.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 54:4.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 95:6.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons.


Homilies, 11:4, 5.


Our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount, 2:5.


Sermon on the Amount2:17.

CSEL 81:38.


In 1 Corinth., hom 10:2.


In 1 Corinth., hom 10:3.


Institutes, 4:41.

Ascetic Homilies, 72.

Comm. On 1 Cor.184.


City of God 17:4.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 2:17:12-14.


CSEL 81:41.

Cassian: Conferences 11:7.


Cassian: Conf. 24:26.

للأسف يفسر
البعض الألف سنة، على أن السيد المسيح سيملك ألف سنة مع المؤمنين على الأرض، وهذا
يخالف روح المسيح، لكن المسيح حاليًا يملك على قلوبنا ملكًا روحيًا.

Cassian: Conferences 24: 26.

In 1 Cor., hom. 10:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom 10:4.

CSEL 81:41.


Comm. On 1 Cor.2:18:10-16.


CSEL 81:41.


Comm. On 1 Cor.2:18:25-27.


On Theodosius.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 188.
PG 82:255

CSEL 81:42.

Comm.On 1 Cor., 186.


Comm. On 1 Cor.2:18:49-51.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 187.

CSEL 81:43.

الحب الرعوي، إدانة أبي الكاهن.

الحب الرعوي، إدانة أبي الكاهن.

الحب الرعوي، إدانة أبي الكاهن.

Comm. On 1 Cor.2:18:106-112.


Institutions 12:10.


Episcopal Election at Vercelae 63:71.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 189.
PG 82:258.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


CSEL 81:47.

Sermon on the Mount, Book 1:21

CSEL 81:49.


In Acts, Hom. 3.

Sermon 3.

Comm.On 1 Cor.2:21:9-11.


CSEL 81:49.


PG 82:259.


Comm. On 1 Cor.2:21:12-14.


CSEL 81:49-50.


Comm. On 1 Cor.2:21::20-22.

CSEL 81:50-51.

Comm.On 1 Cor.2:22:6-8.

CSEL 81:51.


In Philip., Hom 7.


In Gen. PG 54:104.

PG 82:259.

Sermons 209:3.

Comm.On 1 Cor.2:23:6-8.


Synagogue at Callinicum 41:4.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


Adam Clarke Commentary.

الطهارة وفوائدها، ف.3.


Comm. On 1 Cor.2:23:15-20.

CSEL 81:52.

CSEL 81:52.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 15:3.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 15:3.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 15:3.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 15:3.


CSEL 81:53.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 15:4.


In 1 Tim., hom. 5.


Institutes, 2:16.

كان يقصد الرسول أن يعزل هذا الشخص وأمر بعدم مخالطته
(1كو11:5،13). ويبدو أن هذا الأخ قد حزن حزنًا مفرطًا حتى كاد أن يبتلع من الحزن،
لذلك كتب الرسول في رسالته الثانية مطالبًا بمسامحته (2كو5:2-8).


Sermon on the Amount1:20:64.

Cassian: Conferences 7:28.


CSEL 81:54.


CSEL 81:55.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


Against Rufinuis, 7.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.

PG 82:262.


Ep. 211:3.


In Ephes., hom. 23.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 15:8.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 15:11.


Ep. 55:5.


CSEL 81:55.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 15:6.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 15:6.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 15:6.

للمؤلف: الحب الإلهي، ص 630.

CSEL 81:56-57.

Ambrosiaster: CSEL 81:57.


Theodoret of Cyrus: PG 82:263.

CSEL 81:57.


Comm. On 1 Cor.2:26:23-26.

PG 82:263.


In Titus, hom. 1.


In 2 Thess., hom. 5.


Ep. 22:3.


Ep. 39:5.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons.


On Virginity, 8.


CSEL 81:58.


Sermon on the Amount2:59.


Comm. On 1 Cor.2:26:57-59.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


CSEL 81:59.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 16:5.


PG 81:60.


City of God 20:5.


The Work of Monks, 29.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 16:6.


Commentary on 1 Cor. 2. 27: 20-22.


Commentary on 1 Cor. 2. 27: 27-28.


PG 82:266.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 16:6.


CSEL 81:62.


CSEL 81:62.


The Long Rules, 9.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 16:7.


In Titus, hom. 5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 16:8.


Sermon on the Amount2:84.


Ad Eph. 16.


Commentary on 1 Cor. 2.

Sermons 47:5.

Homilies, 2:6.

CSEL 81:63-64.

Cat. Lect. 3:6. Cat. Lect. 3:6.

هنا يربط
بين ثلاث أحداث خاصة بالأردن:
عبوره بيسوع، وعبوره بإيليا، واغتسال

نعمان السرياني

Origen: Comm. Jos 6:47 , 48; In Luc – hom 33. Origen: Comm. Jos 6:47 , 48; In
Lue – hom 33.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 16:9.


Ep. 39:5.


Stromata 3:40:5.

CSEL 81:64.

PG 82:267.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 17:1.


Paedagogus 2:5.


CSEL 81:65.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 17:1.


Ep. 39:11.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 17:2.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 17:2.

مار ملاطيوس برنابا:
مختارات من قصائد مار يعقوب أسقف سروج، 1993، ص226-228.

الحديث في ليلة عيد القيامة، أي يوم السبت ليلًا، فيقصد بالأمس أي الجمعة العظيمة.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 18:1.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 18:1.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 18:1.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 18:3.


CSEL 81:67.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


CSEL 81:67.


The Harmony of the Gospels, 2:4.


Selected Sermons (Frs. of the Church), 145.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 18:1.


Cain and Abel 1:20.


PG 82:270.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 18:2.


إلى أناتوليس
عن “الأفكار الثمانية”،


In 1 Corinth., hom. 18:4.


On the Soul 54:5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 18:3.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons.


CSEL 81:69-70


In 1 Tim., hom. 4.


In 1 Tim., hom. 4.


The Dress of Virgins, 2.


Comm. In Rom., 9:2.


De Principiis 11:7.


PG 82:271.


CSEL 81:70.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 19.

الطهارة وفوائدها، 7.

البتولية، 1، 2، 5،.

كتاب: الزواج والبتولية عند العلامة أوريجينوس، القمص تادرس يعقوب ملطي، ترجمة الدكتور
جورج بطرس، 1996.

البتولية، 8.


Ad Polycarb 5:1.


To his Wife 2:9.


In Gen. 3:6; 5:4.


Commentary on 1 Cor. 3:33:23-25.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 19:2.



PG 82:271.

Lent 209:3.

On Prayer 2:2.


In 1 Thess., hom. 5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 19:3.


Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany, sermon 1:22.


In Galat., hom. 2.


PG 82:274.


In 1 Tim., hom. 10.


Ep. 198:5.


Frag. On 1 Cor. 34, 37.


tract kiddushim, foll, 81.

CSEL 81:72.


Stromata 3:82:4.


Against Julian, 15.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 19:4.


Question 83.

Sermon on the Amount 1:16:43.


Sermon on the Amount1:14:39.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 19:4.


CSEL 81:75-76.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


Commentary on 1 Cor. 3:34:42-45.


Sermon on the Amount1:16:45.


Commentary on 1 Cor. 3:36:2-5..


On the Soul 39:4.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


Questions of Dulcitius,1.


CSEL 81:76-77.


PG 82:278.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 19:4.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


Commentary on 1 Cor. 3:37:35-43.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


CSEL 81:79.


Homilies on Exodus 13 Fathers of the Church 71:374.

PG 82:279.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 19:5.

CSEL 81:80.


Oecumenius: Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 19:6.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 19:5.

Homilies on Exodus 6.


Homilies 21 Fathers of Church 46:344-345.


CSEL 81:80-81.


Homilies 29 Fathers of Church 48:220.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


Commentary on 1 Cor. 3:39:2-6.


CSEL 81:82.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 19:7.


Commentary on 1 Cor. 3:39:51-52.


CSEL 81:83.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons.


CSEL 81:85.


CSEL 81:83-84.


Sermons 51:3


Sermons on New Testament Lessons.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


The Long Rules 5.


City of God 20:14.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


CSEL 81:86.


On Virginity, 9.


On Virginity, 20.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 19:7.


CSEL 81:86.


CSEL 81:89.


Synodal Letters.


In 2 Tim., hom. 7.


The Shepherd 4:4.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


PG 82:286.


In 1 Tim., hom. 14.


On Christian Doctrine 41.


City of God 9:20.


City of God 9:20.


Sermon on the Amount 1:1:3.


Ep. 55:39.


Ep. 167:11.


Stromata 1:54:4.


CSEL 81:91.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 20:1.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 20:2.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 20:2.


CSEL 81:92.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 20:3.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 20:3.

On Psalm hom.1.


In Ioan 49:20.

إنجيل متى، 1983، ص 184- 185.


City of God 8.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 20:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 20:8.


The Holy Spirit 83.


Trinity 1:13.


Letter 50:26.


The Seven Books of John Cassian, 6:22.


Against Eunomius, 7:1.


Confessions 10:45.


Ep. 36:26.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 20:9.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 20:10.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 20:10.


Paedagogus 2:9.


Ep. 73:8.


Ep. 93:21.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 32:4.


Questions 71 Fathers of the Church 70:185.


Questions 71.


The Way of Life of the Catholic Church Fathers of Church 56:55.


Against Eunomius, 1:37.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 21:2.


PG 82:294.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 21:2.


CSEL 81:97.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 21:1.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 21:3.


Stromata 3:53:3.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 21:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 21:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 21:5.


In Galat., hom., 6.


The Work of Monks 7.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 21:7.


In 1 Thess., hom. 3.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 22:1


Institutions 10:8.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 22:2.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 22:2.


In Philip., hom 15.


On Lying 15:30.


In Genesis, hom. 4:6.


In 1 Tim., hom.1.


In Ephes., hom. 11.


In 1 Cor. PG 61:354.


CSEL 81:102


In 1 Cor. Hom. 22:3.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 22L3.


In Genesis, hom. 10.


Commentary on 1 Cor. 3:43:1-5.


Letters to Priests 47.


CSEL 81:103.


Letter 76.


Our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount, 2:16.


Sermon on the Amount2:55.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 22:4


In 1 Cor. Hom. 22:4.


Ep. 82:27.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 22:5


In 1 Cor. Hom. 22:5.


In Titus, hom. 3.


Letter to Jerome 82.


Letter to Jerome 75.


Sermon on the Amount2:65.


CSEL 81:103.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 22:5.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 22:5.


On Lying 12.


On Lying 21.


Sermon on the Paralytic 10.


Letters to Priests 54.


CSEL 81:105.


Commentary on 1 Cor. 3: 43:49-50.


The Song of Songs, Comm., Book 1:4. (ACW)




In 1 Cor. Hom. 22:6.

Cassian: Conferences 12:10.


In Gen PG 53: 76, 77>

2. (ACW)


On the Christian Mode of Life.


Homilies (Frs of the Church), 13.


To the Martyrs 3:3.


Anachar iii,448.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 23:1


Letter 10:4.


Six Days of Creation 6.


Sermon 263 Fathers of Church 38:396.


Institutions 5:12.


In Gen PG 53:228; In Mat. PG 57:30.


In Paralyt. PG 51:51..

Mat. PG 57: 303.


To Simplician 10.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 23:2.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 23:2.


CSEL 81:106

Cassian: Conferences 7:21.


Letters to Priests 49.


Paradise 12:56.


Against the Palagians1.


Institutions 5:17.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


Sermon on the Amount1:22:77.


Sermon on the Amount1:6:17.


In 1 Cor. Hom. 23:2.

The Song of Songs,
Hom. 1:7. (ACW)


Ep. 48:1.


Ep. 78:8.


In 1 Tim., hom. 5.


Homily 9 Fathers of Church 48:67.


CSEL 81:106-107.


Against Julian 24.


Cassiodorus: Explanation of the Psalms, Prayer ACW 53:468-69.

CSEL 81:107.

Cat. Lect. 3:6.

Mystagogical Lecture 11:3.

De Baptismo 9.


Sermons 100:3.


Letter, 73.


The Usefulness of Belief, 8.

De:Triantate 2:14. PG 39:697 A.


Gennadius of Constantinople (Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church).


On Perfection.


The Mysteries, 58.


The Mysteries 8:48.


On 1 Cor., hom. 23:3.


Hymns on Paradise 5:1.


Ep. 55:11.


Ep. 169:9.


The Holy Spirit 1:2.

CSEL 81:108


On Perfection.


Sermons 117:2.


Commentary on Matthew, 12:10.


On 1 Cor., hom. 23:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 24:2.


Comm. On 1 Cor. 4:45:2-5.


On 1 Cor., hom. 23:4.


On 1 Cor., hom. 23:4.


On 1 Cor., hom. 23:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 24:2.


Letter 22:2.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 23:5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 23:5.


Commentary on Matthew, 13:22.


On 1 Cor., hom. 23:5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 23:5.


In Titus. hom. 5.


In Ephes., hom. 23.


CSEL 81:111.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 24:1.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 24:1.


Letter 139.


Letter 219


Letter 256.


Letter 179 to Bishop John.

CSEL 81:113.


Sermon on the Amount2:34.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


De Principiis 3:2:3.

Cassian: Conferences 9:23.

Cassian: Conferences 7:20.

Cassian: Conferences 13:13.


Institutions 5:16.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 24:3.


Homily 227.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 24:4.

Letter to Priests, 45, FC 26:263


Sermon 227 FC 38:107.

City of God 21:25.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 24:5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 24:5.


Ep. 102:19.


Ep. 47:4.


Mystagogical Lecture 1:7.


CSEL 81:114.


CSEL 81:115.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 24:6.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 24:6.

The Appeal of Women 10:6.

Paedagogus 2:1:14.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 28:6.


CSEL 81:116.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 25:1.


Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 25:1.

Letter 47.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 25:1.

Paedagogus 2:10.


Commentary on Matthew, 11:14.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 25:2.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 25:3.

Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany, sermon 17:3.


Commentary on Matthew, 11:12.


Letter 22:2.


CSEL 81:118.


Commentary from the Greek Church.

Hom. On the Psalms, Homily 1.


Maximus of Turin: Pauline
Commentary from the Greek Church.

The Long Rules, 33.


Letter, 42.


Ep. 228:2.


Ep. 228:2.


Letter 231.


Cassiodorus: Explanation of the Psalms 121:9.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 25:3.


Ep. 208:5.


On the Holy Spirit, 15.


The Long Rules, 43.


CSEL 81:119.


On the Holy Spirit, 29.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 26:2.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 14:3.


Answer to Eunomius’ Second Book.


The Chaplet, 14.


Catechesis 13:23.


Paradise 4:25.


CSEL 81:120-121.


In 1 Cor., hom., 26:3.


In Ephes., hom. 20.

في الخولاجيات القديمة يُشار إلى دخول الكاهن لبدء رفع البخور عشية
وباكر وقد كشف رأسه.


In 1 Cor., hom., 26:2.


Prayer 22:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 26:4.


Germ. 19.


Adam Smith: Comm. On 1 Cor.11.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 26:4.


In Ephes., hom. 15.


In 1 Cor., hom., 25:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 26:4.


Adam Clarke: Comm. on 1 Cor. 11.


CSEL 81:122.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 26:5.


In 1 Cor., hom., 26:5.


In 1 Cor., hom., 27:5.


CSEL 81:123.

Continence . 10:24.


CSEL 81:124.


In 1 Cor., hom., 26:5.


Letters to Laymen, 78.


CSEL 81:124 (cf Leviticus 10:6).


In 1 Corinth., hom. 26:5.


In 1 Cor., hom., 26:5.


In 1 Cor., hom., 27:2.


In 1 Cor., hom., 27:2.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 27:2.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 27:3.


Unity of the Church, 10.


In 1 Cor., hom., 27:3.


Ep. 54:7.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 27:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 27:4.


In 1 Cor., hom., 27:4.


Paedagogus 2:13.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 27:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 27:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 27:5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 27:5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 27:5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 27:5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 27:5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 27:7.


Sacraments 4:5:21-23.


On the Mysteries, Lecture 1:2.


In 1 Cor., hom., 27:5.


In 1 Cor., hom., 27:5.


Letter, 36.


The Sacraments 4:6:29.


CSEL 81:127-128.

Letter 17:12.


27:6.In 1 Cor., hom.,


Sermons, 227.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 28:1


In Ephes., hom. 3.


In 1 Tim., hom. 5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 28:1.


In 1 Cor., hom., 28:1.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 82:1.

CSEL 81:129.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 40:1.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 62:4.


Ep. 54:4.


In 1 Cor., hom., 28:2.


CSEL 81:130.


Commentary on Matthew, 10:25.


Commentary on Matthew, 10:24.


In 1 Cor., hom., 28:2.

In 1 Cor., hom., 28:2.


Ep. 209:10.


Genesis, hom 60:16.


Demonstration 4:15.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 28:2.


In 1 Cor., hom., 28:2.

Stromata 1:27:171-172.

CSEL 81:130.

Ep.to Januarius 54:8.


In 1 Cor., hom., 28:3.


Comm. On 1 Cor.., 240.


In 1 Cor., hom., 29:2.


Against Eunomius, 1:36.


On the Faith.


In 1 Cor., hom., 29:3.


Comm. On 1 Cor. 4:47:2-3.


Sermon on the Amount2:83.


Hom. On Ps. 32, hom 15:1.


The Holy Spirit 1:11:124.


CSEL 81:132.


PG 82:322.


On the Holy Spirit, 11.


In 1 Cor., hom., 29:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 29:3.


The Holy Spirit 11:71.


Letter to his Sister, 62.


In 1 Cor., hom., 29:4.


Trinity 2:35.


Trinity 8:29.


In 1 Cor., hom., 29:4.


Commentary on John 2:6.


Against Eunomius, 2:6.


Against Eunomius, 2:2.


The Long Rules 7. PG 82:323.


In 1 Cor., hom., 29:5.


CSEL 81:134.


Trinity, 14.


Catech. Lect. On Faith 5:11.


Letter to Sixtus, 191.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 30:1.


PG 82:323.


The Holy Spirit 2:13:143.


Hom. 3 on Exodus.


In 1 Cor., hom., 29:5.


In 1 Cor., hom., 29:5.


The Holy Spirit 2:12:138.


Catechesis 16:2.


Letter 20 to Bishops.


Against the Pelagians, 16.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 21:26.


CSEL 81:135.


Catechesis 14:12.


Trinity. 15.


Commentary on John, 10:20.


On “Not Three Gods.”


In 1 Corinth., hom. 29:5.


The Song of Songs, Comm., Book 3:7. (ACW)


In 1 Corinth., hom. 29:5.


In 1 Cor., hom., 30:1.


PG 82:326.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 83:8.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 30:3.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 30:3.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 30:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 30:5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 30:6.


Paedagogus 1:5:31.


The Holy Spirit 1:3:45.


CSEL 81:135.


In 1 Cor., hom., 30:2.


On Virginity, 15.


CSEL 81:136.


CSEL 81:136.


CSEL 81:136


In 1 Cor., hom., 30:3.


PG 82:327.


In 1 Cor., hom.,30:4.


CSEL 81:137.


CSEL 81:138.


In 1 Cor., hom., 30:5.


In Leviticus, hom. 7.


CSEL 81:138.


In 1 Cor., hom., 31:1.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 31:1.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 31:2.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 312.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 31:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 31:4.


On Matthew, hom 85.


CSEL 81:138.


CSEL 81:138-39.


The usefulness of Fasting, 6.


On the Judgment of God.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 31:5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 31:5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 31:6.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 31:7.



Letter 242 to the Westerners.


In 1 Cor., hom., 31:5.


The Usefulness of Fasting, 6.


Letter, 99.


Epistle 48:1.


Epistle 99:2.


Epistle 145:2.

Cassian: Conferences 7:30.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 32:1.


In 1 Cor., hom., 32:1.


Maximus of Turin: Sermons, 54.


Commentary on John, 10:20.


Commentary on John, 10:23.


Commentary on Matthew,14:17.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 12:5.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 41:7.


City of God 17:5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 32:2.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 32:3.


Commentary on Matthew, 11:15.


CSEL 81:143.


Homilies (Frs. of the Church), 13.


The Beatitude, sermon 5. (ACW)


In 1 Corinth., hom. 29:3.

في مفهوم الحب وأقوال الآباء فيه راجع كتابنا: الحب الأخوي.


Cassidorus: Explanation of the Psalms, 2.

Cassian: Conferences 11:12.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 32:6.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 32:7.


In 1 Corinth., hom , 32:8.


In 1 Cor., hom., 32:6.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 251.


CSEL 81:147.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 45:7.


Cf In 1 Corinth., hom. 32:7.


Cf. In 1 Corinth., hom , 32:8.


In 1 Corinth., hom , 32:8.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 38:21.


Letter 173 to Donatus.


In 1 Corinth., hom , 32:8.


In 1 Corinth., hom , 33:1.

Cassian: Conferences 11:10.


Sermons 23:4.


Letter to Honoratus, 22.


In 1 Corinth., hom , 33:1.


In 1 Corinth., hom , 33:1.


The Long Rules, 7.


Commentary on Matthew, 12:41.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 33:3.


Letter 65 to Atorbius.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 33:4.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 253.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 33:4.


The Song of Songs, Comm. Prologue 2. (ACW)


Patience, 17.


Letters to Priests 49.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 33:9.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 33:9.

Cassian: Conferences 7:5.


On the Soul and the Resurrection.


In 1 Cor., hom., 35:2.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 33:5.


Letter 55.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 43:5.

Cassian: Conferences 1: 11.


City of God, 19:18.


Concerning Faith.


In 1 Cor., hom., 36:2.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 34:2.


CSEL 81:148.


On His Brother Satyrus, 2:103.


City of God 22:29.



Paedagogus 1:6:33.

Paedagogus 1:6:33.

CSEL 81:149.


On the Making of Man, 31.


In Ephes., hom. 17.


In Ephes., hom. 11.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 34:2.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 34:2.


The Song of Songs, Comm., Book 4:14. (ACW)


On Prayer 11:2.


The Song of Songs, Comm., Book 3:13. (ACW)


On Christian Doctrine 7.


City of God 22:29.


Stromata 1:49.


In 1 Cor., hom., 34:2.


City of God 22:29.


On the Trinity 103:2.


Oration 28:17.


Letter to Consentius, 120.


Against Eunomius, 2:1.


Unity of the Church, 14.


CSEL 81:149.


The Good of Patience, 15.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 255-256.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 55:5.


On Christian Doctrine 39.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 34:5.


In 1 Corinth., hom. 34:5.


In Ephes., hom. 9.


CSEL 81:149.


In 1 Cor., hom., 35:1.


CSEL 81:150.


In 1 Cor., hom., 35:1.


In 1 Cor., hom., 35:1.


Jamieson, Fauset and Brown Commentary


In 1 Corinh., hom. 35:1.


In 1 Corinh., hom. 35:2.


CSEL 81:151.


In 1 Cor., hom., 35:2.


In 1 Cor., hom., 35:3.


In 1 Corinh., hom. 35:3.


In Numbers, hom., 27.


In 1 Cor., hom., 35:4.


In 1 Cor., hom., 35:5.


In 1 Corinh., hom. 35:5.


CSEL 81:152.


Comm. On 1 Cor. 4:61-62.


In 1 Corinh., hom. 35:4.


In Leviticus, hom. 5.


In 1 Corinh., hom. 35:6.


On Prayer, 4.


Oration 31:12.


Cassidorus: Explanation of the Psalms, 2.


Institutes, 11.


St. Justin Martyr: Apology 2:97.


In 1 Corinh., hom. 35:6.


In 1 Corinh., hom. 35:7.


In 1 Corinh., hom. 36:1.


In 1 Cor., hom., 36:1.


CSEL 81:155.


The Harmony of the Gospels, 2:30.


The Literal Meaning of Genesis 1:18:36.


In 1 Cor., hom., 36:2.


In 1 Corinh., hom. 36:2.


CSEL 81:157.


In 1 Corinh., hom. 36:4.


In 1 Cor., hom., 36:5.


In 1 Corinh., hom. 36:5.


In 1 Corinh., hom. 36:6.


CSEL 81:159.


CSEL 81:159.


In 1 Cor., hom., 36:7.


In 1 Corinh., hom. 36:6.


In 1 Corinh., hom. 36:7.


In 1 Corinh., hom. 37:4.


Comm. On 1 Cor. 4:74:6-16.

Hymns on Paradise 6:8.

Catechetical Lectures 15.


In 1 Tim., hom. 9.


In Ephes., hom. 20.


In 1 Corinh., hom. 37:3.


In 1 Cor., hom., 37:4.


In Acts, hom. 4.


City of God 18:49.


Hoking: Speaking in Tongues, p. 114.

القمص زكريا بطرس:
التكلم بألسنة، 1984، ص43.

القمص زكريا بطرس: التكلم
بألسنة، 1984، ص52-31.


Alan Richardson: A Dictionary of Christian Theology, SCM 1976, p. 132..


Alan Richardson: A Dictionary of Christian Theology, SCM 1976, p. 255..


D. Christie Murray: Voices from the Gods, Speaking in Tongues, 1978;
Westminister Dictionary of Christan Theology, p. 225-226.


M.T. Kelsey: Tongue Speaking, 1968, p 38.


In 2 Corinth. Hom. 38:2.


In 2 Corinth. Hom. 38:2.


CSEL 81:164.


PL 30:763


On 1 Cor., hom. 38:2.


CF. In 1 Cor., hom 38:2.


CSEL 81:164-65.


Catechesis 13.


Letter 41:11.


In 1 Cor., hom 38:2.


In 1 Cor., hom 38:4.


Trinity 10:67.


In 1 Cor., hom 38:5.


In 2 Corinth. Hom. 38:5.


CSEL 81:166.


In 2 Corinth. Hom. 38:5.


In 1 Cor., hom 38:5.


In 2 Corinth. Hom. 38:5.


Lect. Catechesis 14:22.


In 1 Cor., hom 38:6.


CSEL 81:167.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 266.


In 1 Cor., hom 38:5.


In 2 Corinth. Hom. 38:5.


In Ephes., hom. 7.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 27:3.


On Repentance 5:29.


In 2 Corinth. Hom. 38:6.


In Ephes., hom. 11.


In Titus, hom. 3.


Unto the End 19:5.


City of God 14:9.


In 2 Corinth. Hom. 38:7.


Concerning Almsgiving and the Ten Virgins 3:22.


In Galat., hom. 1.


On Humility, 20.

Baptismal Instructions, 4:10.


In 1 Cor., hom 38:7.


In 1 Cor., hom 38:8.


Proceeding of Pelagius, 14:36.


Letter from Alypius and Augustine to Paulinius, 186.

Cassian: Conferences 13:12.


In 1 Cor., hom 39:1.


On 1 Cor. Hom., 39:2.


On His Brother Satyrus, 2:103.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 15.


In 1 Cor., hom 39:2.


In 1 Cor., hom 39:3.


In 1 Cor., hom 39:3.


In 1 Cor., hom 39:3.


Catechetical Lectures,13.


CSEL 81:170.


On His Brother Satyrus, 2:124.


In 1 Cor., hom 39:4.


Maximus of Turin: Sermons 96:1.


Letter 17:11.


Letter 50:14.


On the Incarnation, 10.


Letters, 261, to the Citizens of Sozoplis.


On His Brother Satyrus, 2:91.


Letter 55:34.


On 1 Cor. Hom., 39:5.


On the Soul 43:10.


To Jerome 167:21.


Against Julian 24.


City of God 13:23.


To Honoratus 140:9.


CSEL 81:171.


To Hilarius 157.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 40:7.


The Literal Meaning of Genesis (ACW), 6:27:37.


In Genesis, hom. 2.


On His Brother Satyrus 2:92.


In 1 Cor., hom 39:5.


In 1 Tim., hom. 15.

De Principiis 1:8.

On Ps. 48, hom. 19.


On 1 Cor., hom 39:6.

Cassian: Conferences 8:14.


Against Helvidius 6.


Theological Orations 30, On the Son, 4.

Catechetical Lectures 15:29.

Question 69:8.


Sermon on the Mount1:11:30.

De Principiis 3:6:5.


Letter to Janarius. 55.


In 1 Cor., hom 39:6, 8.

De Principiis 3:6:9.

De Principiis 3:5:6.


An apology to the Caesareans, Letter 8.


Trinity 11:36.


Comm. On 1 Cor. 271-72.


On 1 Cor., hom 39:7.


In Levticus 7:6.


The Trinity 1:12:28.


The Holy Spirit 1:3:49.


Theological Orations, 4 On the Son 30:5.

In Levticus 7:4.

De Principiis 3:5:7.

De Principiis 3:6:3.


Theological Orations, 4 On the Son 30:7.


Against the Pelagians, 18.


City of God 17:12

Fr. Peter Chrysologus: Selescted Sermons (Frs. of the
Church), 67.


City of God 20:30.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 5:4.


Easter Sermons 255:8.


On the Soul and the Resurrection.

Cassian: Conferences 7:6.

Cassian: Conferences 10:6.


Institutions 5:4.


Csel 81:175.


On 1 Cor., hom 40:2.


In 1 Cor., hom 40:1.


In 1 Cor., hom 40:3.


On 1 Cor., hom 40:3.


Comm. On 1 Cor., 275


In 1 Cor., hom 40:4.


In Ephes., hom. 12.


Letters to Priests 59.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 62:6.


Paedagogus 3:11:81.


Letter 32.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons.


In 1 Cor., hom 40:4.


On 1 Cor., hom 40:4.


On His Brother Satyrus, 2:55.


On 1 Cor., hom 41:2


On 1 Cor., hom 41:2.


City of God 20:20.


On 1 Cor., hom 41:3.


On 1 Cor., hom 41:3.


On His Brother Satyrus, 2:57.


On His Brother Satyrus, 2:60.

William S. Deal: Baker’s Pictorial
Introduction to the Bible, 1967, p. 342.

De Principiis 2:9:3.

Comm.On 1 Cor.


On 1 Cor., hom 41:5.


On 1 Cor., hom 41:4.


On 1 Cor., hom 41:4.

Cassian: Conferences 7:13.

Cassian: Conferences 11:12.


Against Julian 70.


City of God 13:20.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 82:3.


On 1 Cor., hom 41:5.

Catechetical Lectures, 18.

CSEL 81:181.


City of God 13:22.


City of God 13:20.

De Principiis 3:6:3.

De Principiis 3:6:4.


On 1 Cor., hom 41:6.


Fr. Peter Chrysologus: Selected Sermons (Frs. of the Church), 117.


City of God 15:1


Faith and The Creed 6:13.


On 1 Cor., hom 41:6.


On 1 Cor., hom 42:1.


Letter to Consentius, 205.




In Genesis, hom. 9.


Maximus of Turin: Sermons, 50:2.


On 1 Cor., hom 42:2.


Fr. Peter Chrysologus: Selected Sermons (Frs. of the Church), 117.


In Genesis, hom. 13:4.


Comm. On Song of Songs, Prol. 2. (ACW).


CSEL 81:182-83.


On 1 Cor., hom 42:2.


On 1 Cor., hom 42:2.


Questions 68:3.


On 1 Cor., hom 42:2.


On Psalm 143, hom. 34.


Enchiridion 23:9.


On 1 Cor., hom 42:3.


City of God 20:20.


Cassidorus: Explanation of the Psalms, 20.


Cassidorus: Explanation of the Psalms, 3.


On 1 Cor., hom 42:3.


Letters, 14:11.


Letter 34.


Six Questions Answered for Pagans.

On the Making of Man, 22:3.


On the Soul and the Resurrection.


Funeral Sermon: On His Brother Caesarius, 21.


Sermons for the Feast of Ascension 26:4:6.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 78:10.

The Literal Meaning of Genesis (ACW), 6:24:35, 36.


Fulgentius: To Peter on the Faith, 237.


Pseudo-Dionysus: The Divine Names, 1:4.


On 1 Cor., hom 42:3.


In Ephes., hom. 24.


On 1 Cor., hom 42:3.

نفهم من أقوال

أن على الزوجين
أن يحبا بعضهما البعض ويهتم كل منهما بالحياة الروحية للآخر فلا تكون علاقتهما
ببعض مجرد اتصال جسدي، سوف ينتهي ويزول بزوال العالم… وذلك كنظرتنا إلى

فهو ليس بالشيء المحرم أو النجس ومع ذلك فينبغي ألا يكون هدفًا لنا، لأنه طعام
فاسد لا يبقى إلى الأبد.

سرّ مقدس له كرامته وقدسيته لأن مؤسسه رب المجد نفسه. ويقول عنه

“إن قداسة السر، لها في زيجتنا (المسيحية) قوة أكثر من قوة ثمرة الأولاد في
الدم” (في الزيجة 21:18، 32:24).

Sermon on the Mmount 1:15:41.


On 1 Cor., hom 42:4.


On the Making of Man, 35.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 6:8.


On Incarnation 28.


Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 81:7.


Sermons for the Easter Season 233:4.


Letter to Asellicus 196.


Letter to Proba 130.


Against Julian 20:65.


On 1 Cor., hom 42:2.


On 1 Cor., hom 42:4.


Catechetical Lecture on Baptism 3: 11-12.


City of God 13:5.


Question 44.


On 1 Cor., hom 42:4.


CSEL 81:186-87.


City of God 22:23.


On 1 Cor., hom 42:4.


On 1 Cor., hom 42:5.


In 2 Corinth. Hom. 43:2.


In 1 Corinth., hom 43:2.


Sermon on the Mount2:57.


In 1 Corinth., hom 43:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom 43:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom 43:5.


In 1 Corinth., hom 43:5.


CSEL 81:189


In 2 Corinth. Hom. 43


CSEL 81:189


In 1 Corinth., hom 44:1.


In 2 Corinth. Hom. 44


In 1 Corinth., hom 44:1.


CSEL 81:191


In 1 Corinth., hom 44:1.


CSEL 81:191


In 1 Corinth., hom 44:2.


CSEL 81:192


In 2 Corinth. Hom. 44:2.


In 2 Corinth. Hom. 44:3.


In 1 Corinth., hom 44:3.


In 2 Corinth. Hom. 44:3.


In 1 Corinth., hom 44:3.


CSEL 81:193


Book of steps 1:3.


CSEL 81:193


In 1 Corinth., hom 44:4.


CSEL 81:194


In 1 Corinth., hom 44:4.


In 1 Corinth., hom 44:4.


PG 82:374.


The Seven Books of John Cassian, 2:5.


CSEL 81:194


In 2 Corinth. Hom. 44:4.

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