Christian Gospel Lyrics & Coptic Songs Music Lyrics Archive

t Worry Lyrics

R- Why are you moaning? Why are you

Why can’t you always cheer?

Take the Lord your port and dwelling,

Allow Him to steer the wheel.

Entrust life to Him Who’s caring

And don’t you worry.

1- Whenever in distress,

When people seem to care less,

No matter how problems press,

Our Lord is there to bless.

And you see His mercies near.

Don’t you worry.

2- If your faith is sound and true,

When things turn blue,

Jesus Christ is your clue,

He strengthens your spirit anew.

Don’t you worry.

3- Fastings and prayers are

The strengths of the sick and poor;

Sacraments are always there,

To help us more and more.

Don’t you worry.


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