Book of Jasher 58


6 pt


Chapter 58

And it came to pass in the
thirty-second year of the Israelites going down to
Egypt, that is in
the seventy-first year of the life of Joseph, in that year died Pharaoh king of
Egypt, and Magron
his son reigned in his stead.

And Pharaoh commanded Joseph before
his death to be a father to his son, Magron, and that Magron should be under
the care of Joseph and under his counsel.

And all Egypt consented to this thing
that Joseph should be king over them, for all the Egyptians loved Joseph as of
heretofore, only Magron the son of Pharaoh sat upon, his father’s throne, and
he became king in those days in his father’s stead.

Magron was forty-one years old when
he began to reign, and forty years he reigned in Egypt, and all Egypt called
his name Pharaoh after the name of his father, as it was their custom to do in
Egypt to every king that reigned over them.

And it came to pass when Pharaoh
reigned in his father’s stead, he placed the laws of
Egypt and all the
affairs of government in the hand of Joseph, as his father had commanded him.

And Joseph became king over Egypt, for he
superintended over all
Egypt, and all Egypt was under
his care and under his counsel, for all
Egypt inclined to
Joseph after the death of Pharaoh, and they loved him exceedingly to reign over

But there were some people amongst
them, who did not like him, saying, No stranger shall reign over us; still the
whole government of Egypt devolved in those days upon Joseph, after the death
of Pharaoh, he being the regulator, doing as he liked throughout the land
without any one interfering.

And all Egypt was under
the care of Joseph, and Joseph made war with all his surrounding enemies, and
he subdued them; also all the land and all the Philistines, unto the borders of
Canaan, did Joseph
subdue, and they were all under his power and they gave a yearly tax unto

And Pharaoh king of Egypt sat upon his
throne in his father’s stead, but he was under the control and counsel of
Joseph, as he was at first under the control of his father.

Neither did he reign but in the land of Egypt only, under
the counsel of Joseph, but Joseph reigned over the whole country at that time,
Egypt unto the
great river Perath.

And Joseph was successful in all his
ways, and the Lord was with him, and the Lord gave Joseph additional wisdom,
and honor, and glory, and love toward him in the hearts of the Egyptians and
throughout the land, and Joseph reigned over the whole country forty years.

And all the countries of the
Philistines and Canaan and Zidon, and on the other side of Jordan, brought
presents unto Joseph all his days, and the whole country was in the hand of
Joseph, and they brought unto him a yearly tribute as it was regulated, for
Joseph had fought against all his surrounding enemies and subdued them, and the
whole country was in the hand of Joseph, and Joseph sat securely upon his
throne in Egypt.

And also all his brethren the sons of
Jacob dwelt securely in the land, all the days of Joseph, and they were
fruitful and multiplied exceedingly in the land, and they served the Lord all
their days, as their father Jacob had commanded them.

And it came to pass at the end of
many days and years, when the children of Esau were dwelling quietly in their
land with Bela their king, that the children of Esau were fruitful and
multiplied in the land, and they resolved to go and fight with the sons of
Jacob and all Egypt, and to deliver their brother Zepho, the son of Eliphaz,
and his men, for they were yet in those days slaves to Joseph.

And the children of Esau sent unto all
the children of the east, and they made peace with them, and all the children
of the east came unto them to go with the children of Esau to
Egypt to battle.

And there came also unto them of the
people of Angeas, king of Dinhabah, and they also sent unto the children of
Ishmael and they also came unto them.

And all this people assembled and
came unto Seir to assist the children of Esau in their battle, and this camp
was very large and heavy with people, numerous as the sand of the sea, about
eight hundred thousand men, infantry and cavalry, and all these troops went
down to Egypt to fight with the sons of Jacob, and they encamped by Rameses.

And Joseph went forth with his
brethren with the mighty men of Egypt, about six hundred men, and they fought
with them in the land of Rameses; and the sons of Jacob at that time again
fought with the children of Esau, in the fiftieth year of the sons of Jacob
going down to Egypt, that is the thirtieth year of the reign of Bela over the
children of Esau in Seir.

And the Lord gave all the mighty men
of Esau and the children of the east into the hand of Joseph and his brethren,
and the people of the children of Esau and the children of the east were
smitten before Joseph.

And of the people of Esau and the
children of the east that were slain, there fell before the sons of Jacob about
two hundred thousand men, and their king Bela the son of Beor fell with them in
the battle, and when the children of Esau saw that their king had fallen in
battle and was dead, their hands became weak in the combat.

And Joseph and his brethren and all Egypt were still
smiting the people of the house of Esau, and all Esau’s people were afraid of
the sons of Jacob and fled from before them.

And Joseph and his brethren and all Egypt pursued them
a day’s journey, and they slew yet from them about three hundred men,
continuing to smite them in the road; and they afterward turned back from them.

And Joseph and all his brethren
returned to
Egypt, not one man
was missing from them, but of the Egyptians there fell twelve men.

And when Joseph returned to Egypt he ordered
Zepho and his men to be additionally bound, and they bound them in irons and
they increased their grief.

And all the people of the children of
Esau, and the children of the east, returned in shame each unto his city, for
all the mighty men that were with them had fallen in battle.

And when the children of Esau saw
that their king had died in battle they hastened and took a man from the people
of the children of the east; his name was Jobab the son of Zarach, from the
land of Botzrah, and they
caused him to reign over them instead of Bela their king.

And Jobab sat upon the throne of Bela
as king in his stead, and Jobab reigned in Edom over all the children of Esau
ten years, and the children of Esau went no more to fight with the sons of
Jacob from that day forward, for the sons of Esau knew the valor of the sons of
Jacob, and they were greatly afraid of them.

But from that day forward the
children of Esau hated the sons of Jacob, and the hatred and enmity were very
strong between them all the days, unto this day.

And it came to pass after this, at
the end of ten years, Jobab, the son of Zarach, from Botzrah, died, and the
children of Esau took a man whose name was Chusham, from the land of Teman, and
they made him king over them instead of Jobab, and Chusham reigned in Edom over
all the children of Esau for twenty years.

And Joseph, king of Egypt, and his
brethren, and all the children of
Israel dwelt
securely in
Egypt in those
days, together with all the children of Joseph and his brethren, having no
hindrance or evil accident and the
land of Egypt was at that
time at rest from war in the days of Joseph and his brethren.

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