Christian Gospel Lyrics & Coptic Songs Music Lyrics Archive

1- Praise the Lord in His glory,

Praise our Lord’s glorious resurrection, alleluia.

2- Praise the Lord’s mighty power,

He trampled over darkness and death, alleluia.

3- Praise the King of kings,

In His majesty He rose in glory, alleluia.

4- Our Lord demonstrates His love,

Praise Him who saved us from wrath, alleluia.

5- Death no longer has dominion,

We are alive to God in Christ our Lord, alleluia.

6- He who’s more powerful than death,

Became the firstfruit of all who fell asleep, alleluia.

7- The Source of Life died and rose,

Praise Him in whom all shall be made alive, alleluia.

8- Christ our Lord redeemed us for Himself,

Praise Him through whom we were reconciled to God, alleluia.


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