Christian Gospel Lyrics & Coptic Songs Music Lyrics Archive

+—————— Refrain —————–+
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| Truly risen is the Lord, King of Heaven. |
| Alleluia, Alleluia: He is risen. |
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Very early Sunday morning Mary went
To the tomb with spices and sweet ointment.

And behold an angel rolled the stone away;
For the Lord had risen early in the day.

And the two men in the tomb unto her said:
“He is risen, seek Him not among the dead.”

As she turned, her eyes beheld another man;
But knew not that He is the beloved one.

And in tears she begged Him, saying: Sir be kind,
Tell me where my Lord and Master I can find.

Jesus told her, weep not Mary, but rejoice.
And her heart leaped as she heard the Savior’s voice.

Mary sought where the disciples met in fear;
And she told them she had seen the Lord most dear.

And the same night His disciples saw Him too;
Unto them He said: My peace I give to you.

Alleluia, to the risen Lord and King.
Alleluia, O death, where is thy sting?

Alleluia, He is risen in Glory.
Alleluia, O grave, where is thy victory?


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