Christian Gospel Lyrics & Coptic Songs Music Lyrics Archive

+————- Refrain ————-+
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| The story of the greatest love |
| I have seen in Golgotha |
| My beloved Jesus on the cross |
| Suffering to save us all. |
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| His loving heart beating in pain |
| His body wounded and slain |
| In His eyes I read the story |
| The story of greatest love! |
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Yesterday He walked among us
Lovingly spreading His grace
Healing our souls and bodies
Promising everlasting life

His love was unprecedented
As He loved all the sinners
That is because He is Jesus
Who loves without condition


While His love was invading the world
Devilish people kept thinking
How to get rid of Lord Jesus
Whose love endangered their powers

So to terminate the story
The story of precious love
So to write the last chapter
They killed Him, the source of love


How great is the love of Jesus
How precious and wonderful
He gave us everlasting life
He forgave all our sins.

Every bit of love we share
is coming from Jesus’ love
All of the love in this world
cannot equal Jesus’ Love



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